Token Keno
Author: peterpiperxx
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

Tip the numbers on the board, or tip the fixed amount depending on the game options specified by the broadcaster. Reach goal by clearing. Uncover prizes under random or specified board numbers.

Full Description

Start by setting a goal description. Set the number of tip numbers to place on the board (up to 120).
Optionally set prizes that will be randomly placed under board numbers or placed under the numbers you specify.

Options that may require further explanation:

Highest Number on Board

Sets the highest number on the board (current max is 120)

Lowest Number on Board

Sets the lowest number on the board

Cleared Board Goal Description

Describe your goal. Assumes this will happen when all the numbers are called, otherwise, clearly describe in your goal.

Fixed Tip Amount

All board numbers cost the same. If the viewer tips this amount (or more), they are prompted to choose one of the remaining board numbers to play. Leave this option blank to play the original version of the game (viewers tip the board number instead of a fixed price). Please note, viewers will be unable to send you a message with their tips if this option is enabled. Also note, the multi-tip and group tips options are disabled if using this setting.

No random prizes below this number

The app will not randomly assign a prize below this number.

Special prize for the MVP at game end

Set a special prize for the viewer with the most tips at game end.

Call multiple numbers with big tips?

If set to 'yes', tips received that don't hit a board number will call the next lowest number. The tip will continue to call the next lowest number with leftovers.

Show leader board?

If set to 'yes', will display the top 3 tippers every few minutes. Displays the leader board when there is a change in the top 3 tipper standings.

Allow group tipping?

If set to 'yes', tips that don't hit a board number will open up the current highest board number to "group tips". Small tips from multiple tippers lead a group goal on the highest number. Use this along with the multi-tips option to ensure all tips "count" towards a cleared board. Can get creative with this feature; a small board with a range of high numbers acts as a multiple goal cam session.

Other Info:

Example Number of Squares / Tip Yield if cleared:

10 / 55
25 / 325
30 / 465 (default)
50 / 1275
100 / 5050

List of commands:

/b = See the token board status
/p = See the prizes remaining on the board
/lb = See the leaderboard


2/7/2020 - Fixed issue with group tipping

6/19/2016 - Added a Fixed Tip option - all board numbers cost the same price to play

3/21/2016 - Corrected issue with "WARNING: Board num specified..." message appearing on app load

07/09/2015 - Added /lb command for leader board on demand

06/11/2015 -
* Increased prize slots to 120
* Bug Fix: when last number is a group tip, number had to be exact to close out the board
* More normal command triggers work too "/b" and "/p"
* Tracks the board number won by each tipper in prize list

07/26/2014 - Prize list is always random

05/28/2014 - 10 more prize slots

02/15/2014 - Version 2
* New Feature: Group tips (no wasted tips) option.
* New Feature: Random prize assign option.
* New Feature: Leader board option. Track top three tippers.
Performance and other improvements

12/2/2013 - Bug fix for error when assigning prize numbers greater than 100

11/22/2013 - Less spam = less annoying

09/14/2013 - bug fix for some clients that show 0 prizes even though added during setup, added MVP Tipper special prize option

09//11/2013 - bug fix with single quotes in goals

08/06/2013 - added styles

07/27/2013 - 5 more prize slots

06/23/2013 - Added 5 more optional prize slots, tippers can now clear board in a single tip! Or, tips that miss can call the next highest number on the board

06/13/2013 - Reduced spamming of prize list and board. Greys can no longer use !p and !b commands, !p command displays only to user rather than entire room unless your the broadcaster or a mod

06/10/2013 - Can now control the board starting number

05/20/13 - Tracks prize winners in the !p list, max board number is 120, board doesn't auto draw with every tip (less crazy scrolling with big boards)

04/24/13 - Updates:
* Allows for hard placement of prizes on the board, otherwise randomly placed
* Fixed command conflicts with other bots

02/13/13 - Beta testing, any and all feedback welcome!

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